Song of the Day: June 16, 2023 (T-48)

June 16, 2023 (Song #1994): “Your Song”(1970) by Elton John and Bernie Taupin, and performed by Elton John (here live on “Tops of the Pops”ORIGINAL VIDEO LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC SPOTIFY

T-48* brings chills from two separate memories.

Memory #1: When the town of Westport closed Bedford Elementary (now Town Hall) and split us up into the remaining elementary schools, families on our street were sent to Hillspoint while others went to King’s Highway, Coleytown El, Saugatuck, Green’s Farms and Burr Farms (Long Lots was a junior high back then); needless to say, it was devastating.  Teachers got moved, too, though, which was a good thing; we got Ed Clarke, the cool, leather & handlebar mustache wearing, motorcycle riding Art Teacher.

Mr. Clarke knew how upending this move was for us, especially those who’d spent 1st-5th grade just waiting to be 6th graders at Bedford El (where we’d have had the privilege to sit in the balcony during assemblies). One day, Mr. Clarke told me to bring my guitar to school and he had me perform outside (I remember sitting on a stone wall with my classmates on the grass in front of me at what is now A Child’s Place preschool &  The Learning Community & Children’s Community Development Center – is it still all those things?).  I played “Your Song” –  taught to me by Linda Clifford (upon whom my whole family had a crush).  I remember feeling funny about this, but trusting Mr. Clarke; it sealed me in my classmates’ minds as “the guitar player” but inspired one boy to call me “conceited”, a word I had to look up and didn’t get over until I went to therapy, which I highly recommend.  Despite the confusion caused by unkind words, I’ve always been grateful to Ed Clarke for encouraging me to perform, so I, in turn, encourage my own students to perform for their peers as often as possible.

Memory #2:  In 5th grade, my two best friends and I dubbed ourselves “The Three Musketeers” (original, I know) and the closing of Bedford El was especially unkind to one of our squad:  Ann was sent to King’s Highway by herself, while Cindy & I were sent together to Hillspoint (scene of memory #1).  There is a line in “Your Song” about sitting “on the roof and kicking off the moss” and I have very strong memories of sitting on both Cindy and Ann’s garage roofs.  One day Ann and I had the genius idea to slide down her mom’s asphalt roof in an attempt to wear out a pair of jeans so they’d look cool (Ann even had her mother drive over the jeans with her car).  Geniuses, I tell you: afterward, the jeans still looked brand new everywhere except on the butts where there were two big holes.  My friendship with Ann survived the forced split imposed upon us by the closing of our beloved Bedford El; we bonded again in full force at Bedford Junior High (now Saugatuck) and now I talk almost daily to Ann and let her know “How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” xoxo.

If you’ve read this far, allow me to add two more thoughts: (1) today is the last day of school in Westport and I feel for the 5th graders & 8th graders & 12th graders who are about to embark on a huge change in their life; they are ready, but it is still hard.  Here is the song our Grade Five Singers sang yesterday at their Moving Up Ceremony: “Am I Ready?” (it’s not the Lizzo one, though, it’s mine). And (2): today is also the last day of school for our beloved principal, Kevin Cazzetta, who is retiring from life as a principal, but embarking on a new adventure. Kevin: As Elton & Bernie put it so beautifully:  it’s been wonderful to have you in our world.  xoxo